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Start here by learning the different gift options available to you. We will work with you to find a charitable plan that lets you provide for your family and support the Diocese of Dallas.
Take a look at the different options that you think may work best.
The most popular options for a gift in this range:
- Outright Gift of Cash
- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Donor Advised Fund
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Beneficiary Designations
The most popular options for a gift in this range:
- Outright Gift of Cash
- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Donor Advised Fund
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- Charitable Gift Annuity
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The most popular options for a gift in this range:
- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Beneficiary Designations
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Outright Gift of Life Insurance
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
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- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Beneficiary Designations
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
The best gift options for you:
- Outright Gift of Cash
- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Donor Advised Fund
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
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The best gift options for you:
- Outright Gift of Cash
- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Donor Advised Fund
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Beneficiary Designations
The best gift options for you:
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- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Charitable Gift Annuity
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- Outright Gift of Real Estate
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
The best gift options for you:
- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
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- Make a Gift Tax-Free With An IRA
- Outright Gift of Life Insurance
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- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
Most popular ways to give this asset:
- Outright Gift of Cash
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Donor Advised Fund
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
Appreciated Securities
Most popular ways to give this asset:
- Outright Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Donor Advised Fund
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
Most popular ways to give this asset:
- Beneficiary Designations
- Make a Gift Tax-Free With An IRA
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Donor Advised Fund
Life Insurance
Most popular ways to give this asset:
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- Beneficiary Designations
Real Estate
Most popular ways to give this asset:
- Outright Gift of Real Estate
- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Charitable Lead Trust
Tangible Personal Property
Most popular ways to give this asset:
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- Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
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- Charitable Remainder Trust
Not Sure How to Get Started?
To get started, consider how you want to plan your gift.
Legatum Society
The Legatum Society recognizes the generosity of participants in our planned giving program.